Fresh Mandarins
La Tulipe Citrus fruit good quality. They are characteristic of the
variety and/or commercial type.
- free of bruising and/or extensive healed over cuts. The mandarins
are practically free of
- clean practically free of any visible foreign matter. Mandarins
are practically free of visible
- practically free from pests. Mandarins are practically free
from insects, mites or an.y other
- practically free from damage caused by pests. Mandarins are
free from damage caused by
- free of signs of internal shrivelling. Damage cause by evaporation
of water from the fruit due to
- free of damage caused by low temperature or frost.
- free of abnormal external moisture
- free of any foreign smell and/or taste. This refers particularly
to mandarins which have been
The following slight defects, however, may be allowed, provided these
do not affect the general appearance of the produce, the quality, the keeping
quality and presentation in the package:
- a slight defect in shape
- slight progressive skin defects, provided they do not affect the
- slight skin defects occurring during the formation of the fruit,
such as silver scurfs, russets or pest damage
- slight healed defects due to a mechanical cause such as hail damage,
rubbing or damage from handling
- slight and partial detachment of the peel (or rind) for all fruit
of the mandarin group.